Nijntje (Miffy)

The Nijntje (Miffy) website was designed with responsiveness in mind. Aiming for an app look ‘n feel. The project was done with the Scrum method, started with Design Sprint led by me. The project had a total focus on children (aged 1-4), parents come second. We organised usertests with the target audience between sprints, so we could validate our process. 


Design sprint

We build the site working in Scrum (we actually built more stuff then expected). I kicked off the project with a Design sprint. It’s a great method to test new ideas quickly. This was extremely helpful in our process because it helped us get the team aligned on the best idea and then test it after only 4 days of work.


Usertesting was done with nijntje’s main target audience of children aged 1-4 and their (grand)parents. We tested early prototypes on tablets and phones of the interface to make sure children could find their way through the interface.Most of it worked as expected, but we found out we needed to change our navigation for older age groups. Which was great because we still were only working with a prototype we built in 1 day.



Philips Mycreation